St Vincent de Paul

St Vincent de Paul

St. Vincent de Paul Conference at St. Louise

Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference team works to help neighbors in need within our conference boundaries.  They can also help with referrals to area agencies and other St. Vincent de Paul conferences to provide assistance.

Client Choice Food Pantry

Our parish community collects non-perishable food items to help supply the client choice food pantry located at

St. Faustina Parish (Located at 14025 Twelve Mile Rd. Warren)

If you are need of assistance,

please call the parish office at 586-751-3340 and select extension 2.

Leave a detailed message and a member of our team will contact you as soon as possible. 

To make an appointment with the St. Faustina food pantry, please call 586-773-9231.

Food Pantry Needs This Month:

Kindly consider helping to fill the SVdP food pantry.

At this time we could use:

Macaroni and cheese,

canned and dry beans,

rice and rice sides (Knorr),

hearty soups,

small jars of peanut butter and jelly,

tuna fish and canned chicken,

canned fruit and vegetables,

and gently-used or new brown paper grocery bags.

Aldi gift cards are also very helpful. The groceries at Aldi are very reasonable and bread, hamburger and hot dog buns are purchased there when needed.

Your continued generosity is a blessing to our neighbors in need who are experiencing hardship and food insecurity.

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