Altar Servers

Altar Servers

Altar Server Mass Sign-Up

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Discovering your vocation isn’t about solving a problem, but about building a relationship with Jesus. For many priests, altar serving was an important and powerful means of developing a deeper relationship with Christ. But not only that – for many ordained men, altar serving was a crucial stepping stone to vocational discernment. In fact, a survey found that 75% of newly ordained priests were once altar servers.

Are you, or is your child, interested in becoming an altar server? Reach out to your pastor to learn more! Serving at the altar is a wonderful way for you or your child to grow closer to God and to your respective parish community – and it could be the means by which God places the call of vocational discernment on your heart, too.

Why Serve at Mass?

In this video for #NationalVocationsAwarenessWeek, hear Fr. Craig Giera, Director of Priestly Vocations for the Archdiocese of Detroit, recount the impact altar serving had on his relationship with Christ and on his eventual vocation to the priesthood.

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