At the Last Supper, on the night Jesus was betrayed, our Savior instituted the Eucharistic Sacrifice of His Body and Blood. This sacrament of love, is a sign of unity, a bond of charity, a Paschal banquet in which Christ is consumed, our minds are filled with grace, and the pledge of future glory is given to us. By sharing this sacrament of Holy Communion, we unite ourselves to Christ, who makes us sharers in his Body and Blood to form a single Body. In the Eucharist, Christ gives us the very body which he gave up for us on the cross, and the very blood which he "poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins."
Students generally receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion in the second grade. However, if a child starts their Religious Education after second grade, the child may still receive the Eucharist by participating in the Late Sacrament Program. Preparation for First Communion includes attending classes regularly, completing homework assignments, and participating in extra activities designed to help the child and the parents understand the true meaning of the Sacrament.