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Mass & Reconciliation

Weekday Mass

Wednesday & Friday 12:00 pm

Saturday Vigil Mass

4:00 pm

Sunday Mass

10:30 am

Individual Confessions


9:45 - 10:30 am

or by appointment

Holy Week Schedule

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Palm Sunday

Liturgy: 10:30am

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Holy Thursday

Liturgy: 7:00pm

Adoration: 8:00pm-9:45pm

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Good Friday

Stations of the Cross: 12:30pm

Good Friday Liturgy: 1:10pm

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Holy Saturday

Blessing of Easter Baskets: 11:00am

Liturgy: 7:30pm

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Easter Sunday

Liturgy: 10:30am

Stations of the Cross

Please join us in this devotion during Lent to reflect on Jesus' journey to Calvary.

Have a Blessed Lent!

"God never tires of forgiving us; we are the ones who tire of seeking his mercy."

- Pope Francis -

St. Patrick Dinner Thank You

A heartfelt thank you to ALL who were involved in any capacity with our St. Patrick's Day Dinner Fundraiser!

From setting up the hall, preparing and serving the meal, selling tickets in advance and at the event, all the way to soliciting donations for desserts and cleaning up after, thank you!

We are also grateful to all who patronized this event and brought friends and family members! We are a sincerely grateful community.

St. Louise de Marillac Parish is a Christ centered Community committed to worship, service and the development of our faith. Through the sacraments we are empowered to embrace the future, welcome people from diverse backgrounds and follow the example of our patroness, St.Louise de Marillac, serving the spiritual and temporal needs of others.

Forming a United Front For Jesus and HIS Church

Encounter + Grow + Witness

Catholic Services Appeal 2024

Please follow the link to make your donation to our 2024 CSA campaign!

CSA Online Giving

2024 Annual Contribution Statements

Please fill out the form by clicking the button below.

Job Opening!


Job Description

Upcoming Events

To discover more upcoming events at St. Louise de Marillac, explore our bulletin.

Visit our Upcoming Events page to see more details, including our Parish Recurring Events.

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